Click speed test and CPS test is all about calculating the mouse click in a specific time limit.For example, if you are RIGHT handed and scored a 32 with your right hand and scored a 25 with your left hand: Find your difference score: subtract the score of your NON-dominant hand from the score of your dominant hand. Once with your right hand and once with your left hand.
The student used a computer program to record the time between the sounding of a tone and the student pressing the spacebar on the keyboard. The student conducted three experiments to test reaction time.
UPDATE! You can now measure the X-axis both ways, select X- to measure from right to left. It can also be used to find out what your DPI actually is if you don't have a setting for it in your mouse driver. What is the real DPI of your mouse? With this tool you can measure the real DPI of your mouse, and calculate the sensor accuracy.